Utilizing Advanced Technology to Maintain Asphalt or Concrete roadways.
The following video points out a solution used on roadways where there is great variation of temperature throughout a day ranging from -10°C to +30°C. The product in question is an additive developed by DuPont called Elvaloy https://youtu.be/RYbdjYDEzI4 which creates greater flexibility of asphalt to withstand the stressors of temperature fluctuations. It is but one idea to provide a more cost effective solution for road maintenance. At the very least, there should be a study on its efficacy.
YES, please consider alternative paving materials or techniques that might offer a longer term solution. Paying the same company to use out dated paving methods that don't last is insane.
Please explore alternative and innovative roadway maintenance and construction techniques. I agree completely with Donald and Mike.
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