house wife

house wife

Nahseb wasal iz-zmien li tatu xi forma ta ghajnuna lil dawk in-nisa tal'fuq il-55sena li qedin id-dar u jiehdu hsib il-familja, li meta kienu zewgu qabel id-1990 kien ikollhok tieqaf mix-xoghol meta jkollhok it-tfal u issa isibuwha difficli li tmur tahdem, jew ghax hadd ma hadmhekk jew ghaxghalkemm ikollhok livel ta skola xorta hadd ma hadmhekk u tkun trid tajjex familja b'paga jew pensioni ta xi €750 u il-lum it-tfal majkunux jistaw jejnuk ghax anke huma ikollhom il-loan tahhom xi halsu,grazzi



Just saw your proposals this morning and I think that it is really positive that you took this into account. Could you please elaborate who is entitled to benefit from this. Thanks

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