Aktar parkegg fl-Universita ta' Malta

Aktar parkegg fl-Universita ta' Malta

Ta' kuljum hi problema ghall-istudenti biex isibu parking, mhux l ewwel darba li jien stess domt siegha u nofs infittex u nidhol tard ghal-lezzjoni. Nixtieq li jkun hemm xi soluzzjoni biex insolvu din il problema li aktar ma jghaddi z-zmien, aktar qieghda tikber!


This is a must !

Talking for myself, I have to take my son to childcare which is situated at University while I go to my lectures. I cannot imagine a more convinient way than using my car ! People are still going to use their cars, we cannot deny that this is the most efficient way to arrive at a destination especially in my case. This has been a problem for years and the number of people at University is increasing every year.

Żewġ affarijiet li huma problemi għall-istudent huma t-traffiku u l-parkeġġ. Biex tevita dawn it-tnejn filgħodu trid tqum siegħa u nofs qabel biex tevita ftit traffiku u ssib parkeġġ. Miżuri biex tittaffa l-problema tat-traffiku u jiżdied il-parkeġġ ikun ta' benefiċċju għall-istudenti tal-Università. Grazzi

Increasing the amount of parking at uni is NOT going to decrease traffic problems on the road. We can't be encouraging people to use the private car more and more. Instead, we need to make life easier by encouraging car sharing, cycling (and bike sharing which is picking up already), public transport commutes (which should be made more efficient), etc. :)

Tajjeb li min ma jaqbilx jaghti l kummenti tieghu ukoll mhux jafas li ma jaqbilx biss :)

This will not solve anything, totally against it as it will only encourage people to use their private cars and that's the main reason for the traffic congestion. Look around you, 90% of private cars driven have just a driver and no passengers.

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