Rent Fairness

Rent Fairness

Create a task force to evaluate the old rents on a case by case basis, or on application by landlord, whereby the owners can be compensated for the difference in rent they are receiving and market values. Tenants should also be meantested as some can afford to pay more. It's time to begin to address this unfair situation!


Yes... or to reduce the rent by the landlord. This must be done especially in Msida where rates are booming... poor Gozitan students one must say.

Hemm bzonn ta' veru li il-kera tigi regolarizzata mill gvern ghax il-prezzijiet huma m'ghola s-sema u kulhadd japprofitta ruhu. Jien qed nghaddi minna personalment u ma tista tghamel xejn ghax saqaf fuq rasek tridu after all. Ma nistax nifhem ghala kulhadd jithalla jgholli kif irid u kemm irid. Nemmen li ghandu jkun hemm standard prices u anki skond id-dhul ta' min qed jikri. Hija sitwazzjoni li jekk mhux ha tigi regolarizzata wisq nibza li ha jkun hawn hafna nies bla saqaf.

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