I would like to encourage a discussion about the idea of Gradual Retirement, whereby an individual can choose to "start" retiring up to 8 years before the mandatory age. Example if I where to choose to "start" retiring 8 years before 65, during my 58th year my working week will be 35hrs , my 59th year 30hrs and so on. In agreement with employer, one may still chose to work the 8 hours but the extra hours are not subject to income tax.
The main inspiration for this suggestion, stems from my belief that not all profession can be adequately executed when one is 65 or even in the whereabouts.
Interesting idea - it could work for people wishing to carry on working after retirement age. The gradual slippage into retirement should certainly enable alternative activities to avoid the cold turkey move from full time employment to full time retirement.
Jien izjed nissuggerixxi illi tkun tista tigi pensjonant jekk tkun hdimt 38 sena xoghol u daqshekk, halli tghati cans liz-zaghzagh. Meta l-bniedem ikun ta sehemu bix-xoghol li jkun hadem specjalment dawk tal-id, jew anke professjonisti, donnu mal hamsin tigi bhall apatijja fuqu u x-xoghol jibda jarah mod iehor. Ghalhekk, il-pensjoni tibda kif tkun ghalaqt 40 sena ta xoghol, la izjed u lanqas aktar. jekk trid tkompli tahdem, umbaghad dak xoghol tieghek. Xejn xejn ingawdu ftit milli jkun baqalna.
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