We are going to run a pilot for a group of senior young people with additional support needs. The main aims of the group is for the young people to have a club to go to after school where they can try activities, sustain friendships outwith of school, be as independent as possible and most importantly have fun. This is a group that has been identified as a need by the Youth Cafe, Social work and the support department at the High School. The group will take place every Monday 4-6pm.
We are going to run a pilot for a group of senior young people with learning difficluties. The main aims of the group is for the young people to have a club to go to after school where they can try activities, sustain friendships outwith of school, be as independant as possible and most importantly have fun. This is a group that has been identified as a need by ouselves at the Youth Cafe, Social work and the support department at the High School. The group will take place every Monday 4-6pm.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation