Unrepresented areas

Unrepresented areas

All countries in the world are in a region. However, it is also possible to define an unrepresented area. These are countries where there a no prides and because of political and religieus reasons it is not expected that there will be any prides soon. This is basically the MENA region (excluding some countries as mention under the MENA-discussion) and Central Asia. Creating an unrepresented area will position this region directly under the board of InterPride until developments come up.


InterPride regions should get active attention in developing pride movements. it is unrealistic to have pride development in the unrepresented area. So no regional directors will be appointed. However, there is an entity to closely follow what is happing in this region. That will be InterPride board. It is also clear for local activist to whom to reach out to if they are seeking pride-related contact.

It makes very clear where the pride movement is most under attack and does not give any false hopes.

I have a strong stance that all countries should be included in an actual region - this can be an internal set of areas within regions that the board provides support to in place of the regional representatives.

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