The Junction - Self-Care kits and support £2,625

The Junction  - Self-Care kits and support  £2,625

Self-care kits will be provided by The Junction to around 350 young people who access our Drop-In service per year. The kits provide comfort and support for young people who may be at risk of self-harm, low self-esteem, low mood, anxiety, trouble sleeping and general self-care. The kits cost £7.50 each and include items such as organic soap, stress ball and lavender spray, along with vital information sign-posting young people to helpful organisations and apps,and exercises to promote wellbeing. The kits are taken out into the community to be used when needed and empower young people to help themselves.


The Junction works in Leith with young people (YP) 12 – 21 years, promoting long term prevention, by raising young people’s awareness and self-esteem and supporting them to make informed choices about their health and wellbeing. YP learn to help themselves, which has a positive effect on their community. Current services at The Junction are guided by consultation to identify the needs of the young people, then explored and developed through trust and relationships built with staff.

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