Time for Cherrypicking!

Time for Cherrypicking!

Meeting with representatives of urban gardens in Rome provided insights on the issues that they had to overcome; issues that nascent projects will face. While every city has its own particularities, there are common issues that have been raised. Rules for the management of gardens and how participation can deepen and widen were some of them. The practices of Rome provide a pallet of solutions from which Urban gardeners can choose. Cherrypicking can save a lot of time and energy!


Meeting with representatives of urban gardens in Rome provided insights on the issues that they had to overcome; issues that nascent projects will face. While every city has its own particularities, there are common issues that have been raised. Rules for the management of gardens and how participation can deepen and widen were some of them. The practices of Rome provide a pallet of solutions from which Urban gardeners can choose. Cherrypicking can save a lot of time and energy!

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