Stop through traffic in town centre

Stop through traffic in town centre

Change the circulation system so that cars have to enter and leave at the same point


This has been shown to be very successful in many places and is now being rolled out around the UK - Birmingham (car city) is the latest to do this.

Excellent idea, the geography of Shrewsbury is ideal for this and we have an "inner ring road" which through traffic should be using. There shoud also be a traffic=free core as in Ghent - the plan Birmingham have basef their proposals on - in our case the whole of the river loop should be car free with just walkig , cycling and public transport

This could sooo easily be trialed for a month or so. Shrewsbury was built for horse and cart, and should no longer be the missing NW part of our "ring round". As Covid comes to an end, we are missing the best chance we will ever have to actually do something without massive cost, both financially and environmentally!

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