Develop a local action plan to deal with major events

Develop a local action plan to deal with major events

I'm sure that this exists in some form already and I know that the town has to follow national guidelines. However, something of this nature is likely to happen again and it would be good if there were plans that could be put in place to support local residents. These would need to be easily understood and publicised widely. They should cover all of the support available locally e.g. support for the vulnerable, support for businesses, alternative transport routes, advice re wellbeing etc


The town would be prepared and could focus on support immediately without having to develop ideas from scratch

Not really a point against, but if there are any local action plans already, they could not have been prepared through active engagement with local citiizens because if they had, then they would have been widely known about and easily understood as well as immediately acted upon.

The need for a comprehensive local action plan that prepares the town properly for major events like pandemics & climate impacts like flooding is so important. The plan needs to incorporate best practice principles for building local resilience, sustainability, & adaptability. Most of all, the plan needs to be created through collaboration with local community groups & with local residents most vulnerable to disasters & emergencies.

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