Retailers and 3D online shopping experience

Retailers and 3D online shopping experience

Many retailers selling several different products are present online. Throughout Europe, the forecast spend online is that of € 358 billion. The forecast for 2024 is that of € 464 billion. Europe is forecasting a growth of € 106 billion in 4 years. What is Malta's market share in this regard? What is the Government doing to assist our many retailers and small businesses export? Malta must invest in 3D Technology and provide a more near reality shopping experience.


What we must not do is provide funds and not manage the process. Standardization and re-usability is key to ensure Malta maximizes its funds in this investment.

Most people buying cloths, jewelry and home decorations will find it very difficult to shop online. A 3D shopping experience will mitigate the challenges that shoppers encounter when purchasing from an electronic catalogue. 3D will offer a completely new and different experience. Can you imagine yourself virtually trying on cloths or virtually placing a piece of furniture in your living room? Imagine entering a virtual supermarket and eliminating all those products that are not good for you?

Our Government should commission IT companies in Malta within a PPP framework to offer such solutions to retailers and SME's.

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