Healing the Roots of Unrest by Healing Collective Trauma

Healing the Roots of Unrest by Healing Collective Trauma

Healing the Roots of Unrest by Healing Collective Trauma


I would welcome a speaker who might enhance our interdisciplinary understanding of the social symptoms of collective trauma and the personal and systemic changes needed to address it. For as Rupert Read observed in F4C20 Provocation #2, enlightened psychological, sociological and political change is increasingly important to addressing the ills of our planet, economy and society.

If collective trauma and collective addiction are related, this could be a central factor in re-designing (the affordances of) money within a care-based economy.

He has an incredible amount of compassion in his talks and he is very powerful in creating a sense of community of pain and recovery

I applaud John Wood for challenging neo-classical economists’ narrow understanding of money as ‘a means of exchange, store of value and market arbitrage’ with more anthropological, socio-political and psychological based ones - a perception underlying my innovative contribution to the creation of the Euro in the 1990s and driving my desire to find better ways of understanding and addressing the complexity, unpredictability and connectedness of 21st century challenges.

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