A lot of patients requiring an appointment TODAY! Inevitably end up going to an A+E facility thus causing problems.
Healthwatch Barnet published the ‘GP Appointment System Report’ on 17th June 2013. This was a very comprehensive report dealing with the 69 practices in Barnet the 2nd largest borough in London. We also came up with the ‘GP Complaints Review Protocol’ which investigated to see if the practices had on show the requisite poster advising their patients’ of the complaints procedure. http://gather.nhscitizen.org.uk/topics/community-health/forum/topic/gp-appointments/
Cost centres, budgets, availability of doctors and nurses are the cause. Stop the cost centres, re-think how surgeries are financed and you will be three quarters way there
If the appropriate response was given at the correct level then acceleration of care would not be required. Deficits in response should be publically displayed, so risks incurred are apparent.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation