To make Newhaven the most wooded town in Sussex

To make Newhaven the most wooded town in Sussex

Plant more trees! On every green verge in every road, where there is no chance of long term root damage to buildings, a tree should be planted. In any other open space where a tree would not impact on the social usage or be an issue for safety, one should be planted. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of ideal places where a tree could be planted in Newhaven. Most people agree that trees improve the look of an area, they also improve the environment.


There has been a general loss of trees in the UK in the past century, although much planting had gone on there is still a net loss and this is not good news for our environment. By making Newhaven the most wooded town in Sussex we will throw down the gauntlet to other towns, cities and villages to beat us, thus enacting a mass 'forestation' of the whole county, and who knows even the whole country! PLANT MORE TREES!

Larger trees such as Ash, Beech and Willow would be lovely in the area. Although there may be an issues such as Dieback with some Ash trees, but Copper Ash can be copsed or cut back to remove this risk.

This would enhance the town significantly. Trees provide not only a haven for wildlife, but also enhance the aesthetics of where they are located. Picture the area next to and opposite the train station, for example. Currently a grim and unwelcoming place for visitors to the town to arrive. Just a few trees could instantly brighten up the area and make the place seem much more inviting. Perhaps some of the remaining s106 money from the incinerator could be used to match fund this.

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