PPPP on Decentralised and privacy-aware Digital Ecosystem

PPPP on Decentralised and privacy-aware Digital Ecosystem

A PPPP to decentralize the digital architecture is needed in order to: create an open decentralised digital ecosystem including open data distributed repositories, distributed cloud, distributed search, decentralised social networking, public identity management, and encrypted email service


Funding a Public-Private-People Partnership (PPPP) to work together to build the needed enabling infrastructures Today the Diigtal Ecosystem is very centralised, with a few companies based in the US controlling most of the infrastructures and relevant services. Europe needs to have a sovereign future industrial policy, building decentralised and privacy aware technology tools that citizens can trust and that represent EU values

The current Internet is dominated by a handful of mainly US companies that control all the layers of the tecosystem (app store, cloud, machine learning, devices), and are imposing their rules of the game. Europe needs to invest in future infrastructures that reflect the European values, support SMEs and civic innovators and deliver public good. Distributed, privacy-aware enabling infrastructures can also re-establish trust and preserve data protection and citizens' digital rights.

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