Details - Time 18:09 Video up - 1. CDR developers that comply with eligibility guidelines receive payments for carbon utilization and removal services. 2. Performance-based: tonnes CO2/month. 3. Capacity floors & caps ensure broad participation and project diversity. 4. Projects accepted on rolling basis, subject to budget availability in a given year.
Maybe there should be "classes of removal" tech either by stage or type. with each class having varying tarriffs based on technology deployed/functioning to date. This allows early stage stuff to play like Stripe does. Tarriff gets revisited every 4 years based on delivery success.
another mechanism would be to have participants bid for a "block" of tarriffs for project type in a reverse dutch auction with volumes to clear a book. on an annual basis set the baseline or reference reset as the learning curve steps down.
should target or normalize Removal performance to 1 MT/removed for 100yrs with 95% likelihood so that varying solutions could address. creates a risk market.
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