Baby Sitters and Daycare

Baby Sitters and Daycare

You can exchange details and find information on baby sitters and daycare nurseries here, or just ask questions below. Xiaomin Mou kindly agree to provide support. You can reach out to her via email at [email protected] Russian speaking mom group in Austria Russian speaking nannies in Austria


Most public kindergartens will not have a place for kids under two or three years old. Mothers in Austria are on maternity for up to two years

Private kindergartens usually don’t take kids less than 18 months

one kindergarten we visited that offered a place for 15 months old was kiwi - Kinder in Wien (I was impressed by the headmaster Gülten Nobel at the Hintere Zollamtsstrasse 17 in the 3rd district [email protected])

The govt of Vienna will subsidize 75% of the cost of kindergarten, no questions asked, as long as you have a MA10 card number for the child, which you should apply for as soon as you have an address - that’s the only requirement

a Montessori kindergarten in the 3rd district that offered us a place was Kinderhaus Montessori in the 3rd district as well, led by a very dedicated Simone Kohl [email protected]

be persistent and request face to face meetings when possible with headmasters

The one English speaking daycare we explored was the Children’s House, but the waitlist is very long. We are still on it.

Two Ukrainian women (Tetiana +380964264416 and Lesia +4368860877708) arrived in Vienna last week and offer their services as experienced babysitters. Availability and payment upon request/agreement. They are also happy to help with household chores.

There is a Ukrainian 'Sunday school' in Vienna: I think courses are on Saturday

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