

There are three mobile operators in Austria: A1, T-Mobile and Drei (3). All of them sell prepaid sim cards for Austria. SIM cards can also be found at supermarkets or kiosks but the best (and likely English-speaking service) will be with the official providers. For prepaid SIM cards you will only need your ID and a credit card or cash. Be aware that you will need to register your new SIM card in Austria, but it can be done directly in the shop or online depending on the card you choose. All three main providers have shops in Wien Mitte the Mall or along Kärntnerstraße not far from the Marriot hotel. If you are traveling outside Austria (within the EU) and want to use your minutes or data, you must discuss this directly with your provider or check your tariff details online. If you want to make calls from Austria to other EU countries or outside the EU, you must as well check each data plan separately, as these are different for each provider.


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