road calming traffic measures

road calming traffic measures

It would be good to redo the red strips that were originally at the entrance to mid Calder from the lizze Bryce roundabout. Since the council do not seem to be invested in doing anything these could be introduced at all mid Calder entrances to deter speeding.


The speed that people drive in to the village is scary, at the Lizzie Bryce end but also the bottom of the hill down from Braeside.

Traffic calming a great idea but red strips are noisy especially for large vehicles (e.g. X27) and vehicles with sports kit etc.

This is a great idea - but could this be extension of the current calming measures outside the nursery/school down as far as the Tap or else traffic calming from where the footpath goes behind the wall down to the Tap. Need to address excessive acceleration as well as slowing the speed of traffic between school and the T-junction in the village. If buses regularly do more than 20mph, then you know there is an issue.

Brilliant idea, do it tomorrow. Someone will get killed on this section of road sooner or later near misses all the time as we walk to school.

This should be pressed by the community council but paid for by WLC, not the community fund

Road calming measures desperately required through the village also,

So much of the red paint on the roads has faded or come away. It looks like Calder Park Road should have a red strip down the middle and lots of slow painted areas around the village. Can we get this redone ?

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