Playpark area near Sommers Park and Westgate

Playpark area near Sommers Park and Westgate

We moved to Westgate in 1994 we were told there would be a playarea for children up near the kick pitch šŸ¤” it never happened and even though my kids are too old even my Grandsonā€™s a bit old. Braeside, Summers Park, Kennedy, Tennents, Ochiltree etc all have to cross a main road to get to a park


We moved to Westgate in 1994 we were told there would be a playarea for children up near the kick pitch šŸ¤” it never happened and even though my kids are too old even my Grandsonā€™s a bit old šŸ˜’ Braeside, Summers Park,Kennedy, Tennents, Ochiltree etc all have to cross a main road to get to a park we are surrounded by the village road. Nothing has been done about it, so please šŸ™šŸ» If you look in the circle there is no playground unless we go through the woods then onto the ROAD near the Care Home

If you could link this with the idea for a natural play garden / area ā€¦.using the woods / trees etc this would be ideal

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