Timefunding, crowdsourcing with time

Timefunding, crowdsourcing with time

We are studing the way to allow pople to use their time as asset and allow us to give us mutual credit in order to help projects go life. Time its a coin we allready have and can be easly created with social task like many examples arround the world


I've just created a landing page with the idea of an app timefounder.com I would like you to llok and if you want be the fist to acces our beta please give us your email and well get back to you with an invitation

Time can be used as currency and empowers people with the chance to give and receive credit to lean and be helped by others

Está demostrado que disponer de más de un sistema de crédito o monetario aporta opciones y estabilidad a las personas y países. El ejemplo de Suiza con su moneda local para pymes después del crack del 29 es un ejemplo.

que todos podamos invertir nuestro tiempo

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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