A Multi Use Games Area (P3, P3/4, P4/5, P6 and P7)

A Multi Use Games Area (P3, P3/4, P4/5, P6 and P7)

A multi use games area on the school field with community access. A Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) is an anti vandal outdoor fenced area with built in features for various types of sports games, such as football, basketball or tennis. The classes at Mid Calder Primary School were asked for suggestions for this fund and the children said they would like a tennis court (P4/5), running court (P4/5); basketball nets (P6); astroturf pitch (P7); an outdoor climbing wall (P3 and P3/4)


This is a great idea, but maybe costs more. could this fund pay for part of it like the fence or the surface

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