Involve patients in management of their own healthcare

Involve patients in management of their own healthcare

Because the more patients are involved (in a truly active way) in the management of their own healthcare (especially in the case of chronic conditions) the better the health outcomes and the more the benefits to patients but also the more the savings for the NHS.


Because the more patients are involved (in a truly active way) in the management of their own healthcare (especially in the case of chronic conditions) the better the health outcomes and the more the benefits to patients but also the more the savings for the NHS.

Patients are 'experts in the experience' of their own condition. Their experience of that condition will be unique to them. They should be treated as an equal in the management of their condition. Respecting their part in the health management process will empower them to actively take control of their condition.

Public Health Egland and NHS England should set more national priorties to support patients with Long term conditions. Back in 2000 we had the Expert Patient Programme, but this was left for local commissioners to decide if to commission, we now have 15 Million plus of the population with a LTC, some with multiple LTC, Providing Peer Support, Movivational Interviewing seesions, information and signposting will support people with LTC's to take some personal responibility for their condition.

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