A place where people can borrow tools. Could also host workshops to help people learn basic DIY skills.
Great idea, especially the workshops. Govanhill baths occasionally runs woodworking workshops but they sell out quickly - something similar in the Gorbals would be a great idea.
An excellent idea to allow sharing of the many tools people invariably leave in their cupboards having only been used once. Very circular economy. utilizing the free space under the many arches in the Gorbals a locked container or two fitted out appropriately would do the job for storage and management. Also a contact point for locals looking for locals with painter and decorator and handy man skills.
I was a member of the Glasgow Tool Library for a while but it was too far away, something local would be great.
- Helps people save money on home maintenance. - Reduces waste from people buying tools for single-use. - Encourages people to learn new DIY skills, and share their skills and equipment with the community.
Would also be nice to have open workshop space for hire so people can do DIY projects in their own time. I'm sure there are a lot of us who live in smaller flats who don't have a lot of space for things like painting furniture or basic DIY/upcycling. As long as it's affordable and safe/secure.
This would be so good, the nearest one is in Viki road which is super far
Lovely idea - I can think of many times in the past when I would have liked to carry out some small DIY job in my home, but had to outsource the work, because I didn't have the right tools.
A great idea!
Love this idea but it would need substantial, long-term funding. Also, South Seeds already run the Glasgow Tool Library on the Vicky Rd.
South Seed library is quite far if you have to walk or walk to the bus stop then get the bus- more so with a bulky tool. I don't think that many people in the Gorbals have a car. People may be willing to donate tools to help get it going.
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